Science News

The Earliest Supermassive Black Hole and Quasar in the Universe

The Earliest Supermassive Black Hole and Quasar in the Universe

Maunakea Observatories Provide Key Observations The most distant quasar known has been discovered. The quasar, seen just 670 million years …
A Rocky Planet Around One of Our Galaxy's Oldest Stars

A Rocky Planet Around One of Our Galaxy’s Oldest Stars

University of Hawaiʻi Astronomers Using W. M. Keck Observatory Discover Ancient Magma World Orbiting a Chemically Unusual Star Maunakea, Hawaiʻi …
A Tale of Planetary Resurrection

A Tale of Planetary Resurrection

Years after its detection, astronomers have learned that a planet called KOI-5Ab orbits in a triple-star system with a skewed …
Astronomers Measure Enormous Planet Lurking Far From Its Star

Astronomers Measure Enormous Planet Lurking Far From Its Star

Gas Giant Takes 218 Days to Complete its Orbit Maunakea, Hawaii – Scientists aren’t usually able to measure the size …
Astronomers Spot Farthest Galaxy Known in the Universe

Astronomers Spot Farthest Galaxy Known in the Universe

Maunakea, Hawaii – An international team of astronomers using W. M. Keck Observatory have spectroscopic confirmation of the most distant …
Direct Image of Newly-discovered Brown Dwarf Captured

Direct Image of Newly-discovered Brown Dwarf Captured

Maunakea, Hawaii – Astronomers using two Maunakea Observatories – Subaru Telescope and W. M. Keck Observatory – have discovered a …
16-year-old Cosmic Mystery Solved, Revealing Stellar Missing Link

16-year-old Cosmic Mystery Solved, Revealing Stellar Missing Link

The Blue Ring Nebula, which perplexed scientists for over a decade, appears to be the youngest known example of two …
Unexplained Brightness from Colossal Explosion

Unexplained Brightness from Colossal Explosion

Maunakea, Hawaii – Astronomers have discovered the brightest infrared light from a short gamma-ray burst ever seen, with a bizarre …
Galaxies In The Infant Universe Were Surprisingly Mature

Galaxies In The Infant Universe Were Surprisingly Mature

Maunakea, Hawaii – In the first and largest multi-wavelength survey of distant galaxies in the early universe ever conducted, an …
Active volcanoes feed Io’s sulfurous atmosphere

Active volcanoes feed Io’s sulfurous atmosphere

Maunakea, Hawaii – Astronomers have made a breakthrough in understanding how volcanic activity directly affects the atmosphere of Jupiter’s moon …
Anemic Star Cluster Breaks Metal-poor Record

Anemic Star Cluster Breaks Metal-poor Record

Maunakea, Hawaii – In a surprising discovery, astronomers using two Maunakea Observatories – W. M. Keck Observatory and Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope …
Unraveling a Spiral Stream of Dusty Embers from a Massive Binary Stellar Forge

Unraveling a Spiral Stream of Dusty Embers from a Massive Binary Stellar Forge

Maunakea, Hawaii – Astronomers using three Maunakea Observatories have discovered one of the most prolific dust-making Wolf-Rayet star systems known, …