Science News

Hawaiʻi Telescopes Help Uncover Origins of Castaway Gamma-Ray Bursts

Hawaiʻi Telescopes Help Uncover Origins of Castaway Gamma-Ray Bursts

Maunakea Observatories Aid in Revealing That Seemingly Lonely Bursts Came From Previously Undiscovered Galaxies in the Early Universe A number …
Making the Nearly Invisible, Visible: Astronomers Trace the Gas that Breathes Life into Galaxies

Making the Nearly Invisible, Visible: Astronomers Trace the Gas that Breathes Life into Galaxies

Maunakea, Hawaiʻi— Astronomers have developed a groundbreaking new method of seeing the massive, but barely visible gas tanks that fuel …
"Black Widow" Star Devours Its Rapidly Circling Companion

“Black Widow” Star Devours Its Rapidly Circling Companion

Finding Represents the Shortest-period Black Widow Binary Found to Date Maunakea, Hawaiʻi – In black widow star systems, a rapidly …
Astronomers Discover Widest Separation of Brown Dwarf Pair to Date

Astronomers Discover Widest Separation of Brown Dwarf Pair to Date

Maunakea, Hawaiʻi – A team of astronomers has discovered a rare pair of brown dwarfs that has the widest separation …
Surprisingly High Fraction of Dead Galaxies Found in Ancient Galactic City

Surprisingly High Fraction of Dead Galaxies Found in Ancient Galactic City

Why Cluster’s Galaxies are Unlike Those in All the Other Known Protoclusters is a Mystery, says UC Riverside-led Team Maunakea, …
Saturn’s High-altitude Winds Generate Extraordinary Aurorae, Study Finds

Saturn’s High-altitude Winds Generate Extraordinary Aurorae, Study Finds

Maunakea, Hawaiʻi – Space scientists have discovered a never-before-seen mechanism fueling huge planetary aurorae at Saturn. A University of Leicester-led …
Puffy Planets Lose Atmospheres, Become Super-Earths

Puffy Planets Lose Atmospheres, Become Super-Earths

Finding Represents First Detections of Atmospheric Loss in “Mini-Neptunes” Maunakea, Hawaiʻi – Astronomers have identified two different cases of “mini-Neptune” …
Newly-Found Planets On The Edge Of Destruction

Newly-Found Planets On The Edge Of Destruction

Maunakea, Hawaiʻi – Three newly-discovered planets have been orbiting dangerously close to stars nearing the end of their lives. Out …
Astronomers Witness a Dying Star Reach Its Explosive End

Astronomers Witness a Dying Star Reach Its Explosive End

Two Hawai’i Telescopes Capture a Massive Star Moments Before Going Supernova Haleakalā and Maunakea, Hawaiʻi – For the very first …
Rocky Exoplanets Are Even Stranger Than We Thought

Rocky Exoplanets Are Even Stranger Than We Thought

A New Astrogeology Study Suggests That Most Nearby Rocky Exoplanets Are Quite Unlike Anything in Our Solar System Maunakea, Hawaiʻi …
Infant Planet Discovered by UH-Led Team Using Maunakea Telescopes

Infant Planet Discovered by UH-Led Team Using Maunakea Telescopes

Maunakea, Hawaiʻi – One of the youngest planets ever found around a distant infant star has been discovered by an …
A Crystal Ball Into Our Solar System's Future

A Crystal Ball Into Our Solar System’s Future

Giant Gas Planet Orbiting a Dead Star Gives Glimpse Into the Predicted Aftermath of our Sun’s Demise Maunakea, Hawaiʻi – …